Thaddaeus Arvie
Sarah Luna
Patricia Ramaer (Resident of Dundee, Scotland)
Sarah Rimboch
Lindsay Burck (Escapist of the Year)
Matthew Conway (Resident of Austin, Texas)
MoNique LeRoux
Cynthia Miller
Nabarupa Bhattacharjee (Bhattacharjee is the Official Photographer for Escapism Founder John Ross Palmer) (Inaugural Hustle Award) (Bhattacharjee is the first International Escapist to live in residence at the Chrysalis in Houston, Texas)
AVM Hawkins (Escapist of the Year)
Paula Hawkins
Elena Sandovici
Tatiana Escallon
Alonzo Karahamuheto
Hugo Perez (Escapist of the Year)
Stephanie Gonzalez (Escapist of the Year)
Luke Poteete
Scott Tarbox
Michelle Sendy (Millikin Escapist)
If you would like to view a Photo Album that documents the year of mentorship for the 2015 Escapist Artists, please click here.
View the 2014 Escapist Assignments.
Sue Donaldson (Escapist of the Year. Donaldson is the most “mature” Escapist in history. She has grandchildren that are the age of her Escapist comrades).
Lulu Lin
Joseph Reinholtz
Michael Schultz (Millikin Escapist)
If you would like to view a Photo Album that documents the year of mentorship for the 2014 Escapist Artists, please click here.
View the 2013 Escapist Assignments.
T Duryea (Resident of Darien, Connecticut)
William H. Miller (Escapist of the Year)
Joe Mendietta
Lan Norwood
Lee E. Wright
If you would like to view a Photo Album that documents the year of mentorship for the 2013 Escapist Artists, please click here.
Leigh Armstrong (Armstrong was the youngest Escapist in history at age 18)
Sonya Cuellar
Tra Slaughter (Escapist of the Year)
Lauren Jay Wondra Smyth (Smyth was the first “international” Escapist as a full-time resident of London, England)
Anita Varadaraju
If you would like to view a Photo Album that documents the year of mentorship for the 2012 Escapist Artists, please click here.
Raul Gonzalez
Nubia Gala Seibert
Zak Vasquez
If you would like to view a Photo Album that documents the year of mentorship for the 2011 Escapist Artists, please click here.
Kelley Devine
Ryan Fugate
Edgar Medina
If you would like to view a Photo Album that documents the year of mentorship for the 2010 Escapist Artists, please click here.
Justin E. Garcia
Karen Hatch
Taft McWhorter
Ronnie Queenan
Belinda Smith
The Escapist Alumni Award
With the rich history of the program, the Board of Directors of Art Launch determined it was time to feature and reward an Escapist Artist for executing the tenets of Escapism after their formal graduation from the program. The inaugural award was presented in 2016. It carries a $500 cash prize.
The Millikin Escapist
In 2012, John Ross Palmer Art collector Patrick Evans endowed the John Ross Palmer Escapism Scholarship at his beloved alma mater, Millikin University in Decatur, Illinois. For many years, Evans has been captivated by Palmer’s wise business acumen and passion for coaching artists and so it was his desire to give back to his school and make this opportunity available for a young, emerging artist at the onset of his or her career. After a year of campus-wide promotion, a handful of talented artists were nominated by the faculty with two Finalists submitting written applications and appearing via Skype for an interview. The inaugural Millikin Escapist, Mr. Michael Schultz, worked with Palmer and Lindsay diligently in 2014–mainly focusing on making the trip to Houston from St. Louis to appear and show to Palmer’s plethora of collectors at his annual Escapism Weekend. Shultz launched an Indiegogo Campaign asking for assistance to get him to Houston to make this dream come true. Shultz set a time-frame of 23 days to earn $1,500. His campaign was 122% funded within 8 hours of its launch.
The second Millikin Escapist selected was Michelle Sendy in 2015. The partnership between the Escapist Program and Millikin University ended that year.