Since 1998 when John Ross Palmer became a professional artist in Houston, Texas, the retail value of his original artwork has steadily risen. If you believe that you are the owner of a John Ross Palmer original piece of artwork and you desire to have that piece authenticated with a Notarized Certificate of Authenticity and signed Statement of Current Retail Value, please contact the John Ross Palmer Art Gallery & Studio at (713) 392-6882 or via email to John Ross Palmer at [email protected].
Please review this downloadable form so that you will understand all of the terms associated with our John Ross Palmer artwork authentication process. The authentication fee is $200.00 per piece of art. The fee is nonrefundable and due upon drop-off of the artwork.
The John Ross Palmer Art Gallery & Studio of Houston, Texas does not sell or authenticate artwork by any other artist. Also, the Gallery does not reacquire or resell artwork by John Ross Palmer. There are no exceptions to this policy.